Powerful forces - from rapid technological change to economic globalization - are reshaping the way Bangladesh fits into the new globalized world. Now, more than ever, our nation needs a robust public debate that does justice to the complex challenges and opportunities of this unfolding era. Instead, there is a dearth of new thinking on both sides of the political divide, and a lack of investment in developing the creative young minds most capable of crafting new public policy solutions.

The purpose of the Pro Reforms Group is to bring exceptionally promising new voices and new ideas to the fore of our nation’s public discourse.

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Foregone Conclusion!

Foregone Conclusion!
Let the nation now focus on the Future!

Monday, 2 July 2007

Lifting of Ban on Indoor Politics

By Adnan Anwar

The ban on indoor politics should only be lifted after promulgating a Political Parties Act for the registration and conduct of a party in a democratic society. The ordinance should clearly include a framework on what should be incorporated in the constitution of the parties.

It is imperative that the regulation should also safeguard from any single individual attaining absolute power within the party. It has already been proven beyond doubt that the kind of power enjoyed by both the top ladies has rendered the concept of democracy a fatal blow. They have only managed to run a dictatorial and autocratic regime in the guise of democracy. This should not be repeated again and it should also be made sure that the same dose not happen within other parties.

True and sustainable reforms should be ensured.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even indoor politics should not be allowed until a law has been put in place specially for Political Party's. This law should give them the rights allowing and to legaly participate in the various activities and as well hand them the responsibilities they have for enjoying those rights/privileges.

July 19, 2007 - Coalition for Good Governance Seminar

Seminar on Political Reforms will be held at the VIP lounge of the National Press Club at 10:00 a.m. The seminar is hosted by the Coalition for Good Governance. Dr. Akbar Ali Khan will be the chief guest. Pro Reforms Group is a member of the Coalition. The papers, points of view and details of the seminar will be published at this blog.

For all the resources on reforms, governance & democracy including papers, articles and links please click here